Embedding Aboriginal Perspectives - Reconciliation Action Plans in EYLF: Teacher Professional Learning
Embedding Aboriginal Perspectives – Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) in EYLF teacher professional learning provides initial consultation for services and educators to develop and implement a Reconciliation Action Plan within their organisation. This course delivers constructive strategies on how to form a RAP committee how to liaise with community and organisations to assist and consult with the implementation and ongoing development of the Reconciliation Action Plan.
Participants will:
- gain knowledge and understanding of what a Reconciliation Action Plan is,
- understand why RAPs are an intrinsic tool for services to connect and foster positive relationships with their children and families
- have increased cultural capacity and confidence to implement a RAP appropriately to create a culturally safe environment, improve learning, and increase numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children enrolled
- have access to activities with specific links to course outcomes in the EYLF syllabus and develop processes for embedding Indigenous knowledge as authentic daily practice
- increase confidence to embed these new understandings of Aboriginal culture into their teaching toolbox and enable the content to be authentic and engaging for children
- improve learning in the service context and empower Aboriginal children to feel acknowledged and appreciated
NESA Accreditation:
Completing Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP) in Early Education will contribute two hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Aboriginal education and supporting Aboriginal students/children addressing standard descriptor 2.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
- Teachers attending this session must provide their NESA Teacher Accreditation number to Speaking in Colour to have their hours logged with ETAMs.
- Teachers must attend for the duration of the session to receive the NESA Hours. Speaking in Colour will be keeping records of attendance and participation during the session.
School/service bookings at your location: If you would like to book a session just for your school, service or team, please contact the Speaking in Colour office for a personalised quote.