Over the past 10 years since the Closing the Gap targets were set, there has been a significant increase in awareness and recognition of Indigenous cultures and the rich history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Building an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures within the broader population is crucial to Indigenous people’s health, social, economic and emotional wellbeing, and the overall unity and pride of our nation. Department of the Primer Minister and Cabinet
Cultural awareness shows respect for the culture with whom one is working, which can aid people working with these communities to build better relationships and be more effective in their work. It can lead to:
- Increased recruitment and retention of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce
- Increased confidence of the overall workforce in interacting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and their families
- Increased confidence and satisfaction of all employees who provide services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients
- Reduction of racism and discrimination.
Businesses can contribute to a workplace that values and promotes diversity, equity and inclusion through the various commitments outlined in Reconciliation Action Plans and Indigenous Procurement Policies (IPPs).
We are a certified member of Supply Nation, a member of the NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce, Associate Member of the First Australians Chamber of Commerce and Recognised Certified Indigenous Supplier by the Federal and State Government.
We are well placed and experienced at providing:
- Cultural capacity training.
- Facilitation.
- Cultural team building and or wellness sessions.
- Staff onboarding E-Learning via our digital platforms (Hunter focused).
- E-Learning via our LMS.
- RAP and IPP development.
For each of our clients, we understand the need to tailor the program/s to ensure our client’s needs and goals are achieved. To do this well we are constantly developing new products and methodologies.
18% of all revenue from our corporate contracts directly fund our social impact programs.